Pirates! (pt 5 – conclusion) Repel Boarders!

Time passed as the crew restlessly waited for the pursuing ship to finish reeling them in. The black skull on the blood red pirate flag grinned malevolently down at them. Imagination gave it a sinister aura that was felt even when turned away. Captain Rush and his Second stood in the lookout staring and trying to think of something to do.

Pirates! (pt 4) Waiting on the Edge

Unfinished concept art for a ship in the stories from the low gravity world

The uncertainty combined with the endless monotony of waiting was driving her crazy. She got up, picked her way quietly through the crowded room, and cracked the door open.

“Ma’am, when the trouble starts you won’t have to open the door to hear it.”

Delia started and whirled to face the voice. She found two very alert and slightly watery eyes looking back at her.

Pirates! (pt3) Return Flight

Unfinished concept art for a ship in the stories from the low gravity world

The ship was close. Squadron Leader Wakechai was having difficulty, but his flight was almost back to the ship. Tristan watched, willing them on. He gave a silent cheer when Wakechai landed, but just then, Blue 3’s left wing snapped in half sending him tumbling out of control down into the mist. Tristan’s stomach tightened into a knot, and he quickly looked over his own wings as best he could.