Journey – world 1

… the prince promptly collapsed from fatigue, starvation, and exhaustion. He had pushed his body past its limits, and now the body was calling in the debt. … instead of staring glassily into the distance, his eyes were focused and began to look around at his surroundings. He was understandably disoriented. Journey

First Feast – world 1

The cheery sound of voices and mouth-watering scents reached him long before he arrived. He increased his pace in anticipation, but upon reaching the door, he stopped dead in his tracks. The banquet hall completely overwhelmed his senses.


Hardened feet beat the ground; their rhythm added to the sound of the small boy’s already labored breathing and pounding heart. Confused shouts sounded out from somewhere behind him, causing a spike of panic. He pushed himself to run faster, but already his strength was giving out.