Hiding part 2 – world 2

She made her way through the trees as quietly as a person can with two exhausted and starving children in tow when, concentrating on calming the latest sibling squabble, she stumbled out into a clearing before realizing it was there. Instantly, she grabbed the children and hauled the three of them back into the underbrush. A woman in the clearing started at the noise, and, after a few moments of uncertainty, walked slowly towards their hiding place.

“It’s alright, ” she called, “No one here is going to hurt you. Are you Ok? We have a few medical supplies if anyone is hurt.”

Delia hesitated, No one was in sight, but anyone could be hiding anywhere. On the other hand, the woman seemed sincere, and they needed help so badly.

“Stay here and stay quiet, ” she whispered before stepping cautiously into the clearing.

The woman smiled, “hello, my name is Miriam.”


“You are running from the war?”

“We were in the market when it was attacked.”

“I see.” Miriam’s face softened with understanding. Lingering memories briefly glowed in her eyes before retreating back to the time they came from. “The war tax doesn’t leave us with much, but I can offer you a little food and a safe place to sleep for the night.”

Delia considered for a moment, then nodded. “Tiga. Bemen.” The children came out and stood next to Delia staring sullenly at Miriam.

Miriam smiled at the children, “Hello, I’m Miriam. You look very hungry. I have some bread and cheese at home. Would you like to come have some?”

Seeing the children were not inclined to respond, Miriam turned and walked along a path that wound its way through a grove of fruit trees and ended at a small cluster of buildings. The first one they came to bore the warm scents of a clean barn, and from the next one, the sounds of a wood shop along with the occasional joke and burst of laughter.

The familiarity of normal life finally allowed Delia to relax slightly. Funny, this place seemed so exotic and exciting. It was exotic, of course. There were so many new things to explore, and the people had different customs, mannerisms, and ways of thinking, but….. But they are just people like us. They just live life and find the joy it brings.

Delia’s musings were interrupted by their arrival at a large house which had obviously been built in stages to shelter an ever growing family. Miriam seated them at a long table and brought out a basket of bread along with a lump of cheese.

“I’m sorry if the bread is a bit stale, ” Miriam apologized, “I baked it yesterday and didn’t have time to make more this morning. There isn’t much of it left either, but there is the cheese, and I found some butter that somehow was overlooked. Go ahead and eat it all. We have plenty of food to cook for supper.”

The children ate ravenously, but Delia could only eat a little before her eyes began to close of their own accord. Miriam left the room briefly, and returned with a woman about Delia’s own age.

“I have to go back to work, but this is Rosa my daughter-in-law. She will be around the house this afternoon, so ask her for anything you need. When you are done eating, she will show you a place where you can rest. I’ll let the others know you’re here, so no one will disturb you.”

“Hi Rosa,” Delia managed to say with a little smile. Then to both of them, “Thank you so much for helping us. You are very kind.”

“Of course!” snapped Miriam in that stern, kind, and pleased manner which all the best grandmothers seem to develop. “If we didn’t look out for each other who would? We’re all decent souls, or most of us are. Just can’t give in to the fear, hatred, and greed that tears people apart.”

Delia yawned and nodded as Miriam walked briskly out of the room.

“Why don’t I show you your room?” asked Rosa. “The children won’t leave the table until the food is gone, so we have about 30 seconds.” She grinned, and Delia answered with an attempt at a wry smile.

The children decided they preferred, in this case, Delia’s company to food, so Rosa led them to what she called the guest bedroom. In it were two beds made from a shimmering golden wood with soft mattresses.

“Rest here as long as you need,” said Rosa. “If the children get restless, they can help me. Don’t worry, you are safe here.”

Safe or not, Delia’s body was worn down to the point where she had to sleep. Adrenalin had got her this far, but it wasn’t going to get her much farther. She took off her shoes and laid down.

“Thank you,” she mumble. A tear trickled down her cheek, and she was asleep.


    1. I haven’t finished this part of the story yet. Maybe I should. I haven’t explicitly said this yet, but the “Pirates!” series occurs on the ship that is taking Delia back home after she is safe. She’ll take part in that story later.

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