Pirates! (pt 4) Waiting on the Edge

ship, low gravity world, trading ship, pirates, jonathan sutton, gnarled oak art, gnarled oak, illustration
Unfinished concept art for a ship in the stories from the low gravity world

Low Gravity World – World 2

Read from the beginning

Below decks, Delia sat restlessly. There was no room to pace in the crowded room, which limited her anxiety to fidgeting. She gripped and regripped the makeshift spear she had armed herself with. It was a just knife tied to the end of a mop handle, but it was something. This time, she knew the attack was coming, and she was ready to defend herself. She stared at the edge of the knife and touched it for the thousandth time reassuring herself with the feel of its razor edge. 

On the other side of the room, an old man was leaning against a bulkhead sleeping. She shook her head and wondered how he could stay so calm. Maybe he had never been attacked. Maybe he trusted the men to defend them. Whatever it was, she wished she had it. This interminable waiting was unbearable. 

A messenger informed them when the scouts attacked, but there had been no news since. Had any of them made it back? What was going on? The uncertainty combined with the endless monotony of waiting was driving her crazy. She got up, picked her way quietly through the crowded room, and cracked the door open. 

“Ma’am, when the trouble starts you won’t have to open the door to hear it.”

Delia started and whirled to face the voice. She found two very alert and slightly watery eyes looking back at her. It was the man who she thought was sleeping. Delia nodded while waiting for her voice to return. 

“I want to know what’s going on,” she snapped, more angrily than she meant to.

The old man just nodded knowingly. “Yep, this is how it always is. Hurry up and wait while wondering what’s going on. Waiting feels unbearable, but what comes after is even worse. Then, somehow, you have to pick up the pieces and live again. Are you the girl who went missing after her friend was killed?”

Delia nodded, “Yes, I’m Delia. I’ve seen you on the ship, obviously. Sorry I’ve never introduced myself.”

“Perfectly fine,” the old men replied dismissively. “I can understand why a nice young lady such as yourself on a trip with her friends wouldn’t find the time to talk to an old codger like me. My name is Beto.”

Daily felt her face warm with embarrassment but smiled politely.

“How do you stay so calm?” she asked timidly.

A slightly haunted look played behind Beto’s eyes. “I immigrated to The City about 20 years ago. I asked for asylum after war took everything from me.” His voice trailed off into memory.

“Oh,” Delia awkwardly dropped into the silence. 

Beto gave her a wan smile and continued, “I was a soldier for a time, and you learn to use whatever time you have to rest, to rest. If you get keyed up too soon, you’ll wear yourself out before the battle starts. Also, I’m a bit old to be worrying about what happens to me. I’ll do what I can to protect y’all, but at my age, it’s not as much as it used to be.” Then a grin halfway between mischievous and crazy flashed onto his face, “but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. My home was far from here. Maybe they won’t be expecting my fighting style.”

Delia looked over at Bremen and Tiga who were huddled in a corner with other children. “I have to get them back. Their mother already died. Their father doesn’t need to lose them too.” 

Beto looked her straight in the eye.  “I understand,” he said, and Delia could see, he really did. 

“Have a seat. We’re as ready as we’ll ever be, and we might as well enjoy the time we have.”

Delia sat down next to Beto. “Maybe the scouts got them all,” she said. 

“As far as we know, they did,” Beto replied cheerfully. “Whether they did or didn’t, we’ll have to wait down here until we get the all-clear. I don’t suppose you have a deck of cards on you.”

With the help of others in the room, Beto made up a game using dice, 3 pieces of hard candy, 2 balls, and a suspiciously large amount of string tied to a spider that was “discovered” in the pocket of one of the children. This broke the unbearable tension in the room, and soon everyone was chatting and laughing again with only occasional glances towards the door. Sometime later their game was interrupted by another messenger.

“The scout’s attack was a huge success. They destroyed 5 out of 6 ships. Unfortunately, the surviving ship is about to board us. We can defend against one ship though. The Captain’s orders are to stay here, and stay safe,” the messenger announced before hurrying off.

Delia looked over at Beto who shrugged and simply said, “now we know.”

Delia didn’t trust her voice enough to reply. “Yes,” she thought as her gaze returned to the door, “now we know.” At least this meant the waiting was almost over.

Concluded in part 5 – Repel Boarders!

1 comment

  1. there are a lot of characters. but they soon are known. keep up the good work

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